Updated 1/7/25

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Rosette with the Nexus coma corrector 12/29/23
Sharpless 2-140 in Cepheus 12/15/23
NGC7000 with new IDAS NBZ-2  at Happy Jack 12/10/23
IC443 with new IDAS NBZ-2 
Sh2-89/90 in Cygnus 12/1/23
Veil Nebula from Happy Jack 11/04/23
Sharpless 2-124 in Cygnus 10/26/23
Ced 214 in Cepheus 10/11/23
NGC6559 in Sagittarius 10/4/23
IC1805 The Heart Nebula 9/29/23
M16 area with loads of background nebulosity! 8/28/23
M8 - Lagoon from Happy Jack 8/15/23
NGC6589-90 9/9/23
Sh2-115 in Cygnus 9/24/23
r NGC7000 our deepest image ever! 8/23/23
IC4628 in Scorpius 7/24/23
Ultra Deep Trifid / M21 with 10 inch 6/26/23
Extremely Deep shot of the Sigma Scorpii Nebula 6/28/23
NGC1491 in Perseus 2/22/23
IC433 - First test of Nexus Coma Corrector with 10 inch 2/26/23
IC405 - Flaming Star Nebula 1/30/23
Sharpless 2-170 in Cass - 17 hours 1/26/23

M16 - The Eagle Nebula in Serpens with 8" astro graph 8/24/19
Trifid with ST10xme
M17 Swan Nebula with 8" f/3.9 Astrograph in Happy Jack 7/16/16
M20/21 Trifid with 8" f/3.9 Astrograph in Happy Jack 7/16/16
Lagoon Nebula with 10" f/3.9 Astrograph 7/3/16
Eagle Nebula with 10" f/3.9 Astrograph 7/10/16
M20/21 in Sagittarius Test image with the new ZWO in Happy Jack 10/11/20
The Eagle/Star Queen Nebula in Serpens 8/23/09
The Swan Nebula in Scutum 8/16/09


NGC281 in Cass 4 hour exposure with 10 inch 11/8/21
NGC7000 with 10 inch and Paracorr 11/24/21
Melotte 15 and IC1805 Cluster in the "Heart Nebula" 11/27/21
IC1795 the "Fishhead Nebula" 12/12/21
NGC6888 in Cygnus deep 14h exposure with 10 inch 11/4/22
NGC6888 with 10 inch f/3.9 8/8/20
NGC7000 in Cygnus in Happy Jack 10/11/20
NGC6992 section of Veil Nebula 10/10/20
NGC6914 and field nebulosity 10" f/3.9 10/9/20
Sharpless 2-101 Tulip Nebula 10/14/20
IC1318 in Cygnus from Payson 9/15/21
NGC6823 in Vulpecula 10" f/4.5 9/3/21
NGC7000 Gulf of Mexico Region with 10 inch 8/7/21
The Soap Bubble Nebula in Cygnus 10/16/21
NGC7538 in Cepheus 10/24/21

Gamma Cass Nebulosities 9/2/19
NGC281 in Cass 10 inch - 3 hours 11/16/17
The Pelican Neb - Test with six inch f/3.6 9/14/16
NGC7000 Gulf of Mexico Region 10" f/3.6
NGC7538 in Cepheus 10/11/08
IC5067 The Pelican Nebula
NGC6823 Emission in Vulpecula
Mel 15 Cluster with Nebulosity 12/6/08
IC59 in Cass
NGC6910 in Cygnus 10/16/06
The Bubble Nebula in Cepheus 12/15/20
CR26 & IC1805

The Cocon Nebula at Zenith 11/4/20
NGC6820 in Vulpecula
NGC7538 Emission in Cepheus
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula

IC5146 The Cocoon Nebula
Sharpless 2-188 Planetary in Cass
Sh2-168 in Cass
IC63 Nebula in Cassiopiea
S2-155 in Cepheus
NGC7538 in Ceph
The Wizard Nebula NGC7380 12/22/20
The faint cluster IC1311 in Cygnus 11/14/20
The Pelican Nebula in Cygnus 11/10/20
NGC6910 in Cygnus 10 inch 80 minutes 11/4/20
Sharpless 2-155 the Cave Nebula 11/24/20
Gamma Cygni in Happy Jack 10/11/20


IC405-410 field in central Auriga from Happy Jack 12/24/22
NGC1999/Watefall Nebulas in Orion 3/5/22
NGC2024 with 10 inch 2/5/22
Zeta Orionis Nebulosities with 10 inch and new Baader MPCC Mk3 2/19/22

Crab Nebula in Polarized Light 1/15/11
Deep Rosette 3/6/18
NGC2174 in Orion 2/9/16
Horsehead Final test with new 10 inch 2/8/16
Horsehead speed test with new 10 inch 1/31/16
NGC1491 in Perseus 11/26/10
NGC1579 in Perseus 12/10/10
NGC1931 in Auriga 12/28/10
Sharpless 302 in Puppis 4/30/11
Test shot with the AR152 3/15/12
The Horse head 2/7/11
The Waterfall and Chevron Nebulas in Orion
VDB38 in Orion 2/26/06
Sharpless 112
The Crab Nebula Enhanced Hydrogen Comparison 1/20/09
NGC2174 in Orion 1/24/07
Crab Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha
Sharpless 2-242 in Taurus
IC410 Complex in Auriga
Sharpless 2-235 in Auriga
IC405 In Auriga
NGC1491 in Perseus
Taurus Region from Happy Jack
Orion from Happy Jack
NGC2467 in Puppis
NGC1491 Fossil Footprint Nebula in Perseus 1/18/21
NGC1893 in Auriga 2/8/21
M42/43 in Orion 25 layer manual HDR with the ZWO 1/30/21
IC443 in Gemini the Jellyfish Nebula 2/20/21
NGC2174 in Orion 2/28/21
Sword of Orion Months of work! 7/5/21
NGC2359 with 10 inch 9/18/21
NGC2264 in Mon. 3/13/21
NGC2359 in Canis Major 3/21/21
Seagull Nebula in Canis Major 4/15/21
M42 Lavender arms
Orion Nebula Close up details
M43 Nebula in Orion
  HH222 The Waterfall Nebula
M1 in Polarized Light
  The Cone Nebula
NGC1579 in Perseus
Horsehead Nebula 2 In Orion
NGC1579 Emission Nebula in Perseus
NGC1491 Emission Neb in Perseus
NGC1624 in Perseus