IC443 in Gemini - The Jellyfish Nebula
Supernova Remnant
Uploaded 11/18/23

This week we would like to share with you another brand new image, taken last month as a first test of the just released IDAS NBZ-2 dual band filter. A good test target was IC443 in Gemini because of its wide range of emission output colors. This new filter superceeds both versions of the old NBZ which were discontinued 2 months ago, and this new version works from f/1.8 on up. As many of you know, the IDAS NBZ is the hearthrob of many RASA owners, as it gives superior results at f/2 to any other filter. We were excited to test out this new version and compare results. To make this test more accurate, we employed a Starizona Nexus coma corrector on the 10 inch f/3.9 to yeild an effective f/2.9 for filter tests at a great speed. The results are very good, and future testing will continue! Technical data: 10" f/3.9 GSO astrograph @ f/2.9, 3h total integration time, ASI071 mc pro
Select an image size for a larger view: 1400 x 1200
Instrument: 10" f/2.9 Orion Astrograph Newtonian with Nexus 0.75x coma corr. Mount: Astrophysics 1200 QMD Camera: Color CMOS OSC Guider: ASI mini w/80mm piggyback refractor Exposure: 3h Location: Payson, Arizona, Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = 2 arcsec , Transparency 9/10 Outside Temperature: 45 F Image Processing Tools: Maxim DL6: Calibration, Color Conversion PixInsight: Saturation Curves, , stacking Photoshop CS2: Curves, Color Correction, Gradient removal (Grad Xterminator), Cleanup HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS