IC405 - The Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga
with 10" f/3.9 Astro  1/30/23

This nebula combines both red hydrogen nebulosity with an overlayment of bluish dust. Note that the pinks of the emission nebula that lie behind the blue parts render the mix more of a whitish color. The structures in the bottom half of this frame are reminicent of the Chandra Space Telescopes shot called "The Mountains of creation", and add a 3D depth to this image. Only a short 3 hour RGB set for this one, going longer would have not made it too much clearer.
Select an image size for a larger view: 1600 x 1290
Instrument: 10" f/3.9 Orion Astrograph Newtonian with Baader MPCC Mount: Astrophysics 1200 QMD CCD Camera: SBIG 10XME NABG with Enhanced Water Cooling Guider: ASI120 w/80mm Vixen piggyback refractor Exposure: 3h AstroDon RGB Combine Ratio: 1: 1.05: 1.2 Location: Payson, Arizona, Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = 3 arcsec , Transparency 8/10 Outside Temperature: 22 F CCD Temperature: -20 C Image Processing Tools: Maxim DL6: Calibration, deblooming, stacking: Deepsky Stacker, PixInsight: Curves, Deconvolution Photoshop CC Curves, Color Correction, Cleanup HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS