
Nebulous Star Cluster in Cygnus

Uploaded 10/16/06

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This breathtaking field combines a bright splashy open cluster - NGC6910, with an huge structured emission nebulosity - IC1318. There is so much going on here, lets begin with NGC6910. With an integrated visual magnitude of 7.4, the cluster is easily seen in binoculars. In fact, half a dozen stars can be seen visually with averted vision, since they are sixth magnitude. The brightest stars have a strong bluish tint, created by the B1 spectral class. The other stars in the field range from yellows, to oranges to deep reds. No doubt the dust is in front of many of the dimmest stars, since they appear extremely ruddy in color, with a high B-V index.

IC1318 is a huge object, about 2 degrees or more in size. Here we are peering into a local bright area within that nebula. The color gradations across the nebula are indicative of the excitation level of the hydrogen. We can see magentas, pinks grading into deep reds and oranges. Additionally, the area contains several interesting dark nebula, seen here ranging in size from small round spots to large extended rifts.

Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian Platform: Astrophysics 1200 QMD CCD Camera: SBIG 10XME NABG with Enhanced Water Cooling Guider: SBIG ST4 Exposure: Ha+RGB = 60:20:20:20 RGB Combine Ratio: 1: 1.05: 1.11 Filters: AstroDon RGB Tricolor Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = ~10 arcsec- Nasty! (Maxim DL - 10min subframe), Transparency 9/10 Outside Temperature: 45 F CCD Temperature: -20 C Processing Tools: Maxim DL, Gralaks Sigma, Photoshop, PixInsight, CCDOps Debloomer. HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS


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