Updated - Trail Camera Photos Page

Best shots each two months with

5 Trail Cams at our Cabin1

Updated: 2/26/23

 Here is the new format for the best shots each download period (2 months) from the five tree mounted Trail Cams up at our cabin in Happy Jack. The trail cams are a Meidase SL122 Pro, and works both daytime (color shots) and night time (infrared). The camera had very high ratings, and has superb sensitivity to picking up the faint IR movements which trigger the camera.

For each trigger event, we have the camera set to take a 10 second video, which the stills are extracted by frame capture upon reviewing. All of these images This allows us best composition and posture of the various animals over the 10 second recording period.

The cameras are set up along known game trails on the land, and at our astronomical observatory to see what shows up when we are gone. We also found that severe weather events trigger the cams, apparenly falling snow has a moving IR signature! So there is a "Weather" section below as well.

  Previous Uploads:

Aug-Dec 22
June/July 22
May/June 22
Jan/March 22
November/December 21
September / October 21

Types of Wildlife seen so far shown here:

Cotton Tail Rabbits
  Mule Deer
Jack Rabbits
Javalina (Peccaries)


Mountain Lion
Regular Squirrels
Kaibab Squirrels 
Mexican Grey Jays
  Stellar Jays
Pack Rats
Domestic Cat

  Flicker Wood Peckers
  Exteme Weather!

Best Latest Images from February 2023

When the snow is deep, we can get some spectacular shots of animials in the wild, that compare favorably with those of seasoned nature photographers. Here is the best of each type of animal seen (some fleetingly) during the period from the end of December until late February!

Click on thumbnails for full image!

 Best Bunny: Bunnies are nocturnal. So nearly all shots are at night with the IR light source. But here, in front of the observatory is one in the daytime.
 Best Coyote: This was the only shot as well of a Coyote in the daytime. They are MUCH larger than a fox, and have different coloration. Note how long the fur is compared to the scrawny looking desert types down in the Valley...
 Best Deer: Baby deer in the new fallen snow.
 Best Fox: Mostly nocturnal, this one is along the short path between cabin and driveway. He visits quite often!
 Best Jackrabbit: The only Jack we saw in all of the photos. This night shot in near total darkness shows him on the same trail as above with the fox.
 Best Cat: At least once a month, we get this domestic cat in our cam images. Always at night, we can only see him as a white apparition. But finally, in the distance we can see it with a brown coat with dark stripe on its back!
 Best Bob Cat: Yes, the same path in front of the cabin, he comes by once a month these day, both day and night.
 Best Skunk: He is a blur because he was moving so fast. This was the only shot.
 Best Squrrell: Here is the walkway with no snow. This animal lives nearby, we see him often.
 Best Chipmunk: Lots of chipmunks, but they are always so far away...

 Best Elk: The cabin cam show a huge elk standing proudly.
 Best Stellar Jay: Coming in for a landing on the path.

 Best Mexican Grey Jay: We see lots of these during the daytime.

 Best Raven: Giant Ravens have a meeting.