Best Latest Images from June-July 2022

We had a tremendous amount of wind this time, and with nearly 5000 wind shots, we got around 50 animal shots. As you can imagine, it takes a while to go through the 10 second videos, one at a time and find the animals. Nothing unusual this time, the fox did make its appearance several times in the daytime and we got great shots of it.

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 Best Bunny: This is on the path from driveway to front door of the Cabin.
 Best Coyote: On the left, you can see one furry fat Coyote that came by the observatory on the right.
 Best Deer: Another shot from the camera that looks at the observatory, this young male has just begun to sprout antlers.
 Best Fox: Beautifully colored, this fox made many passes day and night.
 Best Jackrabbit: Seen only at night as in this infrared shot, the Jack came by about half a dozen times.
 Best Cat: A wandering domestic cat came by in this shot looking at the driveway. It is night, so you cant tell the colors and is too brightly lit by the IR lamps in the camera.
 Best Raven: On a hot day, the Ravens can be seen panting.
 Best Pack Rat: This one lives in a wood pile on one edge of the lot, and shows up from time to time.
 Best Squrrell: Here the animal is scratching its belly on the rocks below it.