Updated 1/7/25

Click on the thumbnail for the full size view Spring:


M5 with the 8" f/4 From Happy Jack 6/2/18


M5 Globular Cluster 8" f/3.9 Orion Astrograph 5/19/17


M3 Globular Cluster 8" f/3.9 Orion Astrograph 5/19/17


Omega Centauri 6" f/3.6 Cometracker 5/27/17


M3 with 10 inch 5/11/16


NGC5897 5/31/14


NGC5053 Globular in Coma B 4/26/14


M3/M53 Autoguide tests 5/5/07


M5 Globular Cluster 5/11/09


Palomar 2 Extremely Obscured Globular


M3 Golden Stars


Omega Centuari with 10D


NGC5634 Globular in Virgo 


NGC2419 Globular "The Intergalactic Tramp


Palomar 5 Very faint Globular


Omega Centari from Payson with six inch astrgraph 5/30/21


Last looks at Omega 5/30/23


M5 with the new Atik 5/29/23


M53 - NGC5053 With 10" f/3.9 and Atik 4/13/23


M13 and a hundred faint galaxies 6/2/19


M4 with the 8" f/4 From Happy Jack 6/2/18


M92 Globular Cluster 8" f/3.9 Orion Astrograph 5/19/17


M13 Globular Cluster 8" f/3.9 Orion Astrograph 5/19/17


M56 Globular Cluster 8" f/3.9 Orion Astrograph 5/19/17


Globular NGC6934 in Delphinus 9/3/16


Globular NGC6934 in Delphinus 9/3/16


M4 Globular in Scorpius with 8" f/3.9 Astrograph in Happy Jack 7/16/16


Palomar 14 in Hercules


Palomar 10 in Sagitta 10/21/07


NGC6712 & IC1295 Globular & Dim Planetary in Scutum


M13 Globular


M5 Globular in Serpens 


NGC6229 in Hercules


NGC5897 - Dim globular in Libra


 M92 - Hercs other glob


NGC6528-22 from Happy Jack 9/5/21


M13 - Globular in Hercules color test 8/2/23


M15 in Pegasus 10/13/12


M15 Guiding Test 9/5/23

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