Open Clusters

Updated 1/7/25

Click on the thumbnail for the full size view Spring:


Praesepe - M44


Central M44 4/1/11


M44 blue and golden stars 3/6/23


NGC6231 Open Cluster in Scorpius 6/1/19


NGC6231 with the 8" f/4 From Happy Jack 6/2/18


NGC654 in Cass 10" f/3.9 12/27/17


The Wild Duck Cluster M11 with 8" from Happy Jack 9/24/16


M11 with newly recoated 12.5" mirrors! 9/3/16


M7 Open Cl. in Scorpius with 8" f/3.9 Astrograph in Happy Jack 7/16/16


Barnard 86 Dark nebula
  Sagittarius Star Cloud M24 from Happy Jack 101120


Barnard 86 and Two dim Globulars 8/10/23


NGC7789 in Cass 10" f/3.9 11/18/17


M52 in Cass 10" f/3.9 11/18/17


NGC129 in Cass 10" f/3.9 11/30/17


NGC103 in Cass 10" f/3.9 11/18/17


NGC133/146/King 14 in Cass 10" f/3.9 11/18/17


NGC225 in Cass 10" f/3.9 12/10/17


NGC663 in Cass 10" f/3.9 12/17/17


NGC381 in Cass 10" f/3.9 12/15/17


M103 in Cass 10" f/3.9 12/27/17


M71 with 8" from Happy Jack 9/24/16


Coathanger C399 with 8" from Happy Jack 9/24/16


NGC457 Cluster in Cass


NGC457 2/25/12


NGC663 2/25/12


M103 2/25/12


M46 and two planetaries in Puppis with 8 inch astrograph in Happy Jack 4/4/19


NGC2362 in Canis Major with 8 inch astrograph in Happy Jack 4/4/19


M47 in Puppis with 8 inch astrograph in Happy Jack 4/4/19


M50 in Monoceros 1/28/17


NGC869-884 10" f/3.9 12/22/17


M35 and NGC2159 clusters in Gemini 2/14/16


 NGC2158 Companion to M35


NGC2362 Tau CMa


M36 Open Cluster in Auriga


M38 in Auriga 4/24/11


M37 in Auriga 4/16/11


M36 in Auriga 4/11/11


Cr132/134 in Canis Major 3/26/11


NGC2362 in Canis Major 3/18/11


M41 in Canis Major 3/18/11


NGC869-884 Deepest shot ever with 10 inch 1/25/21


M46-M47 Panorama with 10 inch and Atik Camera 3/10/23


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