Lets start with
todays nearly full disk, with prime focus, the Baader Wedge,
and Continuum filter. Nice big sunspot group for a change!
Close up with
the 5x powermate, seeing was not great at 2/5:
An attempt at
a calcium wider angle, without using the 1.5x barlow I usually
use for best contrast, you can still see plenty of faculae details:
With the 1.5x
inserted, we gain a large amount of detail and contrast. This
active region is getting very interesting now!
The other interesting
region on the disk is not a spot group, but an area of increased
Very challenging
with my Lunt B600 to get prom shots. Always fighting severe ghosting
and double images. I did however find that one side of the field
had no ghosts and so rotated the camera and filter to put the
proms in that area. This is the result at prime focus.