start with the full disk shot, you can see several active regions.
The small group of sunspots are on the lower left here, and a
region of enhanced magnetic activity is upper right. The limb
shows a few prominences, but nothing substantial.
we employ the 3x Klee barlow to boost the details. Seeing was
not great, so some of the details are not quite as sharp as on
a good day, but you can see a lot of plage around the sunspot,
some filaments as well.
other active region on the disk has lots of activity, despite
not showing any sunspots.
is a filament on the disk, which is a prominence that is not
seen on the limb, but rather in front of the solar disk and appears
dark rather than light as on the limb.
a shot in the "Red Wing of H-alpha", which is offset
in band by 3/4 angstrom. This reduces disk detail, but allows
you to see many of the small white spots around the spot which
are mini flares called "Ellerman Bombs".