Sun in CaK / White Light / Halpha
With ES AR152 - Six inch and PST
+ Lunt CaK filter and Baader Wedge
Uploaded 5/22/16
Daily Report
These images
highlight the unusually large marginally naked eye sunspot seen
on the Sun the past week. The weather has been a mess lately,
full of clouds and high wind all week long. This has made the
seeing very bad, and I was able to at least get in a few this
morning at the optimal time of around 9:30am and capture the
days best, which was around 1.5 arc seconds in white light.
Below is the set
up for today, the large white tube is the six inch mounted on
the side of the black 10 inch. Piggy backed on the six is the
PST, a small hydrogen alpha scope for general solar viewing.
With a 40mm aperture, its quite small - but makes a great travel
scope for solar viewing. This was the first time I tried some
solar imaging with it using the DMK51 at prime focus.
Below is the configuration
you need to use when adapting a small solar video imaging cam
to the PST. The bottom spacer is removed and the camera can now
reach focus fine. The DMK 51 gives a big wide field!
Images below are 1024 wide and non clickable
These are with
the six inch, set up with a Baader Herschel wedge and 520nm Green
Continuum filter. This is prime focus and shows the big spot
sitting all by itself on the disk:
With the 5x
Powermate, we get a good close view of the spot, despite the
shaky seeing. The wind was blowing so hard, the whole instrument
was bouncing violently back and forth during this set...
In calcium K
light, the spot has a fantastic activity! Seeing is worst in
near UV, so not quite as clear as the white light shot above.
The PST at prime
focus. You see the spot on the left side here and some nice filaments
across the disk.
The view of
the proms with the overexposed disk blocked off is not quite
so detailed, very few prominences are seen right now.
Instruments: Explore Scientific AR152, PST
Platform: Astrophysics 1200
Camera: DMK 51 (1600 x 1200)
Location: Payson, Arizona
Elevation: 5150 ft.
Sky: Seeing 2/5, Transparency 7/10
Outside Temperature: 55F
Processing: Registax 6, Photoshop CS2
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