Sun in HAlpha / CaK / White Light With Lunt LS100THa / Stellarvue SV80s + Lunt CaK filter or Baader Astro Solar Safety film Uploaded 12/17/11 Weekly Report For the week of Saturday December 10 - Friday December 16
 While this weekend did not produce any giant sunspots or big flares, the Sun was indeed a busy place with big hook shaped proms and some beautiful details in Calcium K wavelengths (UV). Here is a photo pictorial of this exciting weekend, in white, Calcium, and Hydrogen alpha wavelengths.
Images below are 800 wide and non clickable

 December 10, 2011


Here is the full disk white light view, taken with the 80mm f/6. I used the Custom Scientific G filter for all white light images. Three obvious close up opportunities exist here. First, both AR1374 and especially AR1363 are on the limb, which always provides good dramatic imaging opportunities. In the very center, AR1372 which is really falling apart is in the area of maximum granulation, so might provide a good high resolution spot with a very fine granular background.

Here Ive removed the labels so you can see the full disk in all its wondrous beauty!

Below we see AR1374, an unusual shaped group which is starting to fragment. Several pores are visible around the main group as well.

Here is the dramatic limb shot of AR1363. The white web work of faculae will provide an excellent target for the Calcium images!

AR1375 is a small group with lots of tiny pores trailing behind it.

Here is AR1372, a tiny disrupted group in the center of the Sun. This is the best place to shoot to see how well you can record the solar granulation which averages 1.5 arc seconds in size for each cell. That is the theoretical limit for my 80mm! But with the G filter, I have the best chance to record this fine detail. Seeing is good, but not the best.

Calcium K full disk. The faculae at this wavelength form networks of fine filaments all over the disk. They represent areas of increased activity of magnetic fields. Often, and area with lots of magnetic activity will be host to new sunspots.

Here Ive mapped the areas out that the close ups will cover. All calcium images are with the SV80 and a Cak filter.

2.5x Barlow close ups. Im very impressed with the level of quality and fine image sharpness across the field with our brand new Televue 2.5x Powermate. Here is AR1363 on the limb.

AR1374 is a hot bed of calcium activity. And although the seeing is much worse in UV wavelengths, you can make out the calcium granulation on the right side starting to resolve.

AR1375 is different, it trails calcium faculae. (flocculi in some texts)

AR1366 is the major spot here, the other small one on the limb is nameless...

A beautiful loop prom on the limb. it appears very different in Halpha, and the comparison is very interesting!

Hydrogen Alpha images with the Lunt LS100.

AR1374 on the limb, with some very fine spicule activity and fine arcing prom loops on the edge as well.

AR1363 here shows a complex magnetic field.

Hedgerow prom on southern limb. Notice that in all of my close ups, I always try to keep the exposures such that the spicules, right down to their bases are never over exposed, and fine grass like details can be seen clearly. Where the limb starts here, is the actual base of the spicules.

Fabulous arching prom, the same one as in the Calcium shot several images above. There is some incredible detail in this prom!

Finally, for December 10th, I compare side by side the arch prominence, on the left is Calcium K light, and on the right Hydrogen Alpha.

December 11, 2011

Here is the full solar disk one day later. A small white patch of faculae is coming onto the limb on the left eastern edge.

Full Disk view with the Lunt, and the Antares .5x focal reducer.

I liked this field because of the nice filament here, and the fine swirls in the magnetic field around the sunspot.

This was the most stunning shot I got of the limb all weekend. Here an eruptive prominence juts out from the edge of the sun. Also some beautiful loops of very fine structure are present. On top of that, a big fat filament that is partially transparent is on the disk.

Another complex area on the suns limb.

Here is AR1374 again, a day later.

Now I present to you a collection of limb shots to highlight prominences for this Sunday, December 11th. Ive darkened the disk so you are not distracted by the disk features, and the fine details on the limb can be seen clearly.

This one appears to be ejecting a small plasma cloud.

A very peculiar shape for this prom.

Our very nice hedgerow prom on the southern limb is progressing well.

I hope you enjoyed this weeks solar activity as much as we did! feel free to write us with your comments.

Instruments: Lunt LS100THa Halpha or SV80S with Zeiss Apochromat Platform: Astrophysics 1200 Camera: DMK 31U (1024x768) Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing 7/10, Transparency 9/10 Outside Temperature: 45F Processing: Registax 6, Photoshop CS2 Solar Home Page HOME SCHMIDT GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS