During our recent trip into the outback, we took along a small Maksutov, the ETX seen below because it fit well in the suitcase and provides sharp views of brighter deep sky objects. In polar mode, the mount was leaned back to 18 degrees and the axis was aimed at sigma Octans, the south polar star with a Telrad that was on its back. For photography with a 50mm lens of the Milkyway, which was on the meridian, the arrangement below was used to track the camera for about five to ten minutes. As you can see from the images below, the tracking was good enough to produce far better images than plain star trails. The red sensitive Kodak PJ400 was used for these images. While not hypered, it is very contrasty and worked surprisingly well for such short exposures.
Instrument: 50mm f/2.8 Pentax Super Taukamar Lens Scanner: Nikon LS2000 Platform: Bogen Camera Tripod, ETX90c Film: PJ400 Location: Queensland Australia Processing: Photoshop, PW Pro.
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