
Globular Cluster in Canes Venatici

Uploaded 4/27/05

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 There are a surprising number of both dim blue stars across this field, along with the occasional red star in the background. Most stars appear to be yellowish in hue as is the case with many globulars, with a large number of very faint blue stars in between. While the cluster itself has an integrated magnitude of 6.3, the brightest members are 12.7 magnitude corresponding to the yellow stars, and the faint blue stars are near 15.6th magnitude. There are also several MAC galaxies in this field, the brightest at 16th magnitude. This object, MAC1343+2823 is .2 mins in diameter, and is a reddish object about an inch from the left edge in the largest image.
Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian Platform: Astrophysics 1200 QMD CCD Camera: SBIG ST10XME NABG with Enhanced Cooling Guider: SBIG internal Exposure: LRGB = 30:10:10:10 (All Binned 2x2) RGB Combine Ratio: 1: 1: 1.11 Filters: AstroDon RGB Tricolor Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = 6.8 arcsec (Maxim DL - 10min subframe), Transparency 8/10 Outside Temperature: 10 C CCD Temperature: -20 C Processing Tools: Maxim DL, Photoshop, PixInsight, RW Debloomer. HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS


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