NGC6712 & IC1295

Globular Cluster and Planetary Nebula in Scutum

Uploaded 9/17/07

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This unique pairing of bright globular cluster and very dim low surface brightness planetary nebula lies in the constellation of Scutum, in a very star rich field. The globular cluster to the upper right is NGC6712, a 8.1 magnitude object of moderate concentration is 10 arcminutes in size and contains stars ranging from 13 to 16th magnitude. It appears mostly yellow in this image from interstellar extinction.

On the lower left is the large but very dim planetary nebula IC1295. Spanning a huge 90 arc seconds in size, it is around 15th magnitude and in the largest image you can see a small faint blue central star which is 15.5 magnitude. This planetary is unusual in that it photographs a stunning cornflower blue color, unlike most which are plain greenish or red.

And there is one other interesting object, albeit rather diminuative in this field, a arcsecond sized 14th magnitude planetary nebula Kohoutek 4-8 which is located about 2 o'clock from IC1295 and about a quarter way towards the globular. It also appears blue in color, and you can see it plotted clearly in Megastar.

Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian Mount: Astrophysics 1200 QMD CCD Camera: SBIG 10XME NABG with Enhanced Water Cooling Guider: Meade DSI Pro w/Lumicon Newt Easy Guider Exposure: LRGB = 60:20:20:20 (RGB Binned 2x2) AstroDon RGB Combine Ratio: 1: 1.05: 1.11 Location: Payson, Arizona, Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = 10 arcsec (Maxim DL - 10min subframe), Transparency 9/10 Outside Temperature: 55 F CCD Temperature: -30 C Image Processing Tools: Maxim DL: Calibration, deblooming (Starizona Debloomer), aligning, stacking PixInsight: Curves, Deconvolution Photoshop CS2: Curves, Color Correction, Gradient removal (Grad Xterminator), Cleanup HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS


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