More Higher Resolution images of
the Waxing Moon Taken June 17th, 2013
Uploaded 6/20/13
 | A
relatively stable weather pattern settled in for this part of
June just before the big monsoon hits. For the very first time
I was able to use the Klee 3x barlow on the moons features, and
a wealth of details were recorded. It will indeed take me a long
time to finish studying this set of images for all the small
details. What a great learning process! Shots were all taken
from the balcony on the second floor of our home in Payson, and
great care was taken to avoid shaking the scope during the recordings,
even as far as isolation of my body from the chair as to not
transmit my heart beat into the motion of the optical tube assembly! |
Prime Focus Images with DMK51 camera:
Southern Highlands from
Clavius down to Copernicus
Northern Lava Plains from Copernicus on the upper right
down south to the Northern highlands
2x Barlow flipped in (Questar Barlow)
Plato, Alpine Valley and north polar region
Copernicus region. I was surprised on the lighting bringing out the mounds and low flat hills above it.
Straight Wall and many rills!
Clavius and Tycho - Just starting to see the "Orions Belt" craterlets inside Clavius
My favorite ringed basin triplet on the lunar surface (Alphonsus group), and straight wall on the right
Archimedes and the Appenines. I think you might be able to see the lineation inside the Alpine Valley.
Hercules and Atlas
3x Klee Barlow inserted - internal barlow out
Well, 4500mm is a lot of focal length for a 90mm scope! Exposure times were around 1/8 second
This is Clavius and Tycho
Alpine Valley, Mount Piton and Plato!
Alphonsus Trio
Altas and Hercules. see the dark spot in Atlas?
Composite Panorama of the terminator using prime focus images
Pan up and down on this one!