Tests of our new
Modified Canon XTi
Uploaded 12/31/06
is some of our initial testing of one of the very first Hutech
modified 10.1 Mpixel Rebel XTi cameras. The modifications we
had done was to remove the IR blocking filter, and replace with
the Type 1a filter, allowing full Hydrogen alpha response. When
exposed for daylight, the images have a strong red tint, however
applying a custom white balance profile while in the RAW format
before conversion using a white solar calibration eliminates
the cast and produces accurate colors. For the lunar image below,
the lunar highlands are pure white from being pulverized by cratering,
and provided essentially a grey card in sunlight for the nights
shooting. Shooting deep sky on such a bright moonlit night was
asking for trouble because the sky is a bright blue color at
night. But getting familiar with this high resolution and very
low noise camera in the not so dark was a very enjoyable experience!
Lets start with
some lunar image with the 12.5" f/5 Newtonian at prime focus,
and the camera set for ISO400. Here we compare the before and
after on the custom white balance. Seeing was poor.
This is the raw image out of
the camera with the overall
reddish cast.
Larger Size
Clicking the white balance
eyedropper on the lunar
highlands near the top gave a
very neutral color correct view
Next we applied
this white balance "recipe" to all of the images to
yield balanced images. Here is a shot with the 12.5" and
Televue 2x barlow of the Sea of Tranquility.
here for larger size
With the nearly full moon
only 30 degrees away, the sky
was a bright blue color. Five
one minute frames of Orions
Sword were averaged for this
moon fogged image with the
Stellarvue SV80s at f/4.8
Larger Image here
The same image after some
processing shows plenty of
reds, a FAR cry from my un
modified 10D, which shows the
nebula as greens and blues
The crab nebula
was nearby and just as badly sky fogged. But this three minute
exposure with the Stellarvue shows the nebula clearly.
Image here
Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian
or Stellarvue SV80s
Platform: Astrophysics 1200 QMD
Camera: Hutech Modified Canon XTi @ ISO400
Exposure: 1m subframes
Filters: None
Location: Payson, Arizona
Elevation: 5150 ft.
Sky: Seeing 8/10, Transparency 2/10
Outside Temperature: 35F
Processing Tools: Photoshop CS2, Maxim DL, Canon RAW
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