Jupiter with IR and UV

Astroimages with 12.5" Newtonian

and VestaCam Pro & DSI Pro

Uploaded 6/19/07

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 Here are my first expermiments with using non visual band filters on a planet to reveal potentially hidden details. Two images on the top are from the first night, where I was able to first take a standard color shot with my 12.5" and 2x barlow of Jupiter at about 9pm. To its right I added a very dark and opaque Hoya R72 infrared filter in the path. My web cam has been modified to allow full spectral range and shows a direct comparison of RGB and IR. The seeing improved dramatically in IR. Note the moon Io of to the left. The contrasts and details in the belts are much clearer in IR as well.

Now for the bottom set of images taken on the next evening, we started first with a standard color image of Jupiter seen on the left. Seeing was a bit worse this night. On the right is a real startling image without the barlow for more light with my brand new Schuler UV standard filter. (300 - 400nm) The web cam would NOT see the image at all with the brightness turned all the way up because the image is very dim, and the web cam auto exposes up to only about 1/15 second. I then employed my Meade DSI Pro black and white hi res CCD camera, (also I pulled the blocking filter for full response) and a long 2 second exposure. About 8 frames were integrated of 2 seconds each during the exposure sequence.

The appearance in UV light is hard to comprehend, but we are seeing various levels of methane clouds in the atmosphere. A very different appearence from the white light view.

Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Newtonian CCD Camera: Vesta Cam Pro with Sony Sensor or Meade DSI Pro Exposure: 1/100 - 2 sec Filters: Hoya R72 IR, Schuler UV Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = 5 sec Transparency 8/10 Outside Temperature: 60F Processing Tools: Photoshop, Registax HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS

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