Sun in Hydrogen Alpha

With Coronado PST

Uploaded 8/6/11

 Two large flaring sunspots were visible today, the night after a huge CME impact created aurora over much of the northern US and Candada last night. (We got nothing here in Arizona) Ive included some white light shots to compare to the Halpha images to show how big this grouping was. Ive grouped the images into white light and Hydrogen images separately.

White Light Images (PST Detuned to red only)

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2x Coronado Barlow - Sunspot 1263 is a huge chain of dark umbra and some white faculae. To its upper left is 1261, a smaller group exiting the sun.

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3x Klee Barlow - Much more detail can be seen here in this intricate grouping.

H-Alpha Images PST

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2x Coronado Barlow - Some hovering prominences can be seen on this limb, and some dark filaments on the disk.

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2x Coronado Barlow - Sunspot 1267 is small but is the cause of some aurora about three days ago in Alaska and northern Canada.

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2x Coronado Barlow - Here 1263is flaring, and appears quite different in Halpha.


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2x Coronado Barlow - Along the opposite edge from 1267 I found this lovely arch prom.

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3x Klee Barlow - A pair of monster sunspots shows better details at this magnification.

Instrument: Coronado PST 40mm Platform: Astrophysics 1200 Camera: DMK 1024 Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing 7/10, Transparency 6/10 Outside Temperature: 75F Processing: Registax, Photoshop CS HOME SCHMIDT GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS