Sun in Hydrogen Alpha / CaK With Coronado 40 / Lunt 60mm CaK Uploaded 8/18/11
 On Sunday the seeing was much better, and I took advantage early before the seeing became worse from the oncoming heat of the sun rise. This set was taken between 8am and 9am, and is right now the best seeing time for solar work. These are also some of the highest resolution Calcium shots so far, the 3x Barlow kept its sharpness right til 9am. At that point I switched to the Hydrogen alpha 40mm because it is less affected by seeing in red wavelengths.
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Full disk view with the Lunt 60mm in CaK wavelengths. From two halfs combined with iMerge. Flats applied for a more uniform disk.

On the very right edge is our last look at AR1289, which has been spectacular in producing flares and aurora here on Earth. But now there is a huge new spot complex just above center on this image. It is AR1295 and the surrounding group, seen here in a sea of faculae. Just below center is AR1299, I call the "Shrimp sunspot" because it looks like two eyes looking back at you.
With 3x Klee Barlow on Both Scopes Below left: AR1289 moves off the disk, with a smaller spot group following. Below right: In Halpha light the scale is a bit smaller, but large filament spans this field on the left
Below Left: Two part composite with the Klee showing the full extent and detail of AR1295 Look how nicely iMerge blended the two, and rounded all the corners! Below Right: Same spot group, but in H alpha light showing minor flaring action all over!

AR1294 which is on the lower right corner has very little substance in the white light realm, but plenty of faculae action around it.

On the oncoming limb, while there were no sunspots or filaments, a very nice prominence was visible.

This unnamed region has no spots, but could be the site of a future outbreak. Here we just see a disturbance in the magnetic fields as a clump of faculae.
AR1299 which is just below the center of the disk looks like the eyes of a shrimp in both views. Lower Left: Calcium shot showing intricate details in the spots and faculae Lower Right: Halpha view, with low level activity around the spot

Instrument: Coronado 40mm Ha or Lunt 60mm CaK Platform: Astrophysics 1200 Camera: DMK 1024 Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing 8/10, Transparency 8/10 Outside Temperature: 75F Processing: Registax 6, Photoshop CS2 HOME SCHMIDT GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS