Comet Panstarrs S3 passes the Coathanger Asterism
in the morning sky

 The close passage of a bright comet to any deep sky object is always reason for an imaging session. Here we have the 9.6th magnitude Comet Panstarrs S3 with its beautiful curving dust tail passing by the asterism Collinder 399 - AKA the Coathanger Cluster. Here, south is up to show the coathanger shape more clearly and the comet was closest on this night forming a spectaular pairing. Look carefully to the bottom left and you will see the tiny emmission nebula Sharpless 2-83. Technical Data: 10" f/2.8 GSO astrograph, Atik 16200 CCD, LRGB = 2h total. Payson Arizona on 3/30/24.
Select an image size for a larger view: 1600 x 1200
Lens: 10" f/2.9 GSO Astrograph Newtonian w/Nexus corrector Platform: Astrophysics AP1200 Camera: Atik 16200 CCD Exposure: 2h LRGB Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing 7/10, Transparency 6/10 Outside Temperature: 32F Processing Tools: Maxim DL, Photoshop CS2 HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS