Latest image of Comet Linear S4

Updated 7/6/2000

Previous Uploads: Three faces of Comet Linear Comet Linear A2 6-27-01 Van Cittert Deconvolution of the Lunar Highlands More Northern Lights and the ISS over Payson The NGC891 Galaxy Group Notes CCD Shots during Full Moon Comet Linear July 19 & 25th, 2000 Latest image of Comet Linear S4 Spectacular Red Aurora over Payson Arizona Fuji's New Formulation of it new Super HQ100 FIRST TESTS OF HYPERED FUJI HQ100 First Schmidt shots with PJ400 First Tricolor shots with 2415 Test Images with Fuji NPH400 First Two Comets with the new CCD Camera

During the morning of the fourth of July, the new comet rose very early in the moring in the constellation of Perseus. This image, taken with my 8 inch schmidt camera at f/1.5 was on non hypered Kodak PJ400 emulsion, and developed in a Bessler CN2 Chemistry. Two four minute exposures were scanned and combined by multiplication in the digital darkroom in Photoshop 5.5 to make this final image. The registration of the two images was accomplished in Picture Window Pro, by aligning the comet head images in the two shots since the fast moving comet had changed position between two frames. Visually, the comet was near magnitude 7.5 and seen easily in 11x80 binoculars with about half a degree tail.

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