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Normal DDP Rank Order
The three images above represent different processing methods on a set of image data taken June 28th between 3 and 4am. The comet was then 4th magnitude and the coma rich in volatile gasses fluoresces a beautiful green color. All were taken with my 12.5 inch f/5 Newtonian and a ST7E CCD. A description of each image is below:
Normal - This LRGB image is composed of 58 luminosity frames of 15 seconds each as to not blur the comets motion against the stars. This was combined with 54 RGB frames also each 15 seconds exposure. A standard brightness adjustment and slight gamma correction finished this view which greatly resembles the telescopic view in a 20mm Nagler.
DDP - The combined Luminosity frame in the image was processed with DDP to enhance the extensive size of the coma, yet retains the stellar core. Note the jet shooting out of the nucleus to the upper left. But hidden inside, there was much more...
Rank Order - Processing with AIP Rank order filter brings out the complete spectacular 4 vane jets emanating from the nucleus. This detail was unsuspected in the Normal processed frame.
Previous Uploads: Three faces of Comet Linear Comet Linear A2 6-27-01 Van Cittert Deconvolution of the Lunar Highlands More Northern Lights and the ISS over Payson The NGC891 Galaxy Group Notes CCD Shots during Full Moon Comet Linear July 19 & 25th, 2000 Latest image of Comet Linear S4 Spectacular Red Aurora over Payson Arizona Fuji's New Formulation of it new Super HQ100 FIRST TESTS OF HYPERED FUJI HQ100 First Schmidt shots with PJ400 First Tricolor shots with 2415 Test Images with Fuji NPH400 First Two Comets with the new CCD Camera