This image has been intentionally offset northward by a degree to reveal the tattered ring of nebulosity to the upper left in this image. This is an old Super Nova Remnant much like the Veil nebula in Cygnus which overlaps the more famous Rosette nebula in the middle. To record such elusive features, the films superior red sensitivity was a prime asset. The open cluster in the center of the Rosette is NGC2244, whose fierce stellar wind has blown a round dark hole in the center of the nebula. Instrument: 8" f/1.5 Celestron Schmidt Camera Platform: Homemade GEM Film: Kodak Supra 400 CCD Autoguider: None Exposure: 2x8mins Filters: Clear Location: Happy Jack, Arizona Elevation: 6800 ft. Sky: Seeing 8/10, Transparency 10/10 Outside Temperature: -15 C Processing: Photoshop, PW Pro.
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