Markarians Galaxy Chain in Virgo
with 10" f/3.9 Astrograph
Uploaded 6/3/23

This is the core of the Virgo Galaxy cluster, which I can now fit for the very first time in the field of the 10 inch. Field size is 1.5 degrees wide with the Baader MPCC coma corrector. Careful examination with the SIMBAD and ALADIN search online revealed the faintest galaxies here are magnitude 21.1 with 20th magnitude galaxies showing some structure.
Select an image size for a larger view: 1600 x 1290
Instrument: 10" f/3.9 Orion Astrograph Newtonian with Baader MPCC Mount: Astrophysics 1200 QMD CCD Camera: ATIK 16200 Guider: ASI120 w/80mm WO Zenithstar 81 piggyback refractor Exposure: 5.7h total integration time Astronomik RGB Combine Ratio: 1: .9: 1.5 Location: Payson, Arizona, Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = 3 arcsec , Transparency 9/10 Outside Temperature: 55 F CCD Temperature: -30 C Image Processing Tools: Maxim DL6: Calibration, PixInsight: All Remaining processing, Production finishing: Photoshop CS2 HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS