M35 and NGC2158
Open clusters in Gemini
Uploaded 5/22/24

Here is a rich Milkyway field centered on M35 in Gemini. But look closely at this image, and you will see the star colors are very well represented here. Here is a prime example of why you should be using the Arcsine stretch for star images. This non linear stretch when compared to a standard "histogram stretch" preserves star colors superbly and we can clearly see the spectral types for most of this dusty image. Note how the right hand side of the field has hordes of blue supergiants, and yet only reds and yellows appear on the left side. This of course is due to dust in the Milkyway absorbing blue light. If you havent tried the Arcsine stretch in PI, give it a try, and see what you have been missing!

Technical Data: M35, 8" f/2 RASA, ASI071MC CMOS, 20 mins integration, Payson, Az.

Select an image size for a larger view: 1400 x 1200
Instrument: RASA 8" f/2 Mount: Ioptron GEM45 Camera: Color CMOS OSC Guider: ASI mini w/80mm piggyback refractor Exposure: 20m ( 5 min subs) Location: Payson, Arizona, Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = 2 arcsec , Transparency 9/10 Outside Temperature: 35 F Image Processing Tools: Maxim DL6: Calibration, Color Conversion, aligning, stacking PixInsight: Saturation Curves Photoshop CS2: Curves, Color Correction, Gradient removal (Grad Xterminator), Cleanup HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS