M31 - First Guided Shot with Canon 10D

Galaxy in Andromeda

Uploaded 11/7/04

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 Here is the first of a series of images taken on November 3rd with the 12.5 inch Newtonian at f/5, and a coma corrector. Shots were auto guided with a Lumicon Newtonian Easy guider, and an ST4 for sets of 5 minutes each. I was greatly surprised how low the noise was at ASA1600 used here, and multiple frames stacked made most of it disappear. This is a mere 10 minutes of integration time - Very short for an astronomical exposure.

Look carefully at this image and you'll be able to spot the blue star clusters, and an occasional pinkish HII region, usually represented with this camera as magenta in cast.

Processing: Two RAW frames were dark subtracted, and combined in PW Pro as negatives using multiply. In Photoshop the image was reinverted, and levels and brightness adjusted. A very small amount of SGBNR tamed the small but residual grain to reduced acceptable levels.

Final Note: This camera has a huge chip compared to my ST8i, and tons more Mega pixels. For at least the brighter non Hydrogen Alpha objects, such as bright galaxies, comets and star clusters, the concept of one shot color is very attractive!

Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian Platform: Astrophysics 1200 QMD Camera: Canon 10D Exposure: 2 x 5m Filters: None Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing 7/10, Transparency 8/10 Outside Temperature: 5 C Processing Tools: Photoshop CS, PW Pro, SGBNR HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS


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