Astrophotos a few days
Full Moon
Uploaded 10/26/04
There used to be a window around
full moon, that film astrophotographers simply stopped shooting
the deep sky, and had to wait until the dark of the moon returned
to resume. When digital imaging entered the scene about a decade
ago, this all changed. While its always best to shoot under the
darkest and most transparent skies possible, it is comforting
to know that we can get beautiful images during the full moon
with loads of details now with CCD and CMOS imagers.
Here are some first
shots with my Meade 622 Schmidt Newtonian and the 10D combination.
The chip is quite a bit larger than the ST8i I have been using,
yielding a pleasantly larger field of view. The skies photograph
during full moon the same color as the daytime sky - blue, which
you will notice in the below images. I didnt try to subtract
the blue out, because I felt the drama of the full moon night
was captured here. I will post an shot of the Comet Tracker in
the future.
Click on Thumbnails for larger View !
 | Gibbeous
Moon, 1/500 second with ASA set for 100, prime focus shot. |
 | Moon again, with
2x Televue barlow. 1/125 sec at ASA 200. |
 | Andromeda
Galaxy, 4 x 1min unguided, ASA 1600. (These three - natural
blue moonlit skies) |
 | M57 - The
Ring Nebula in Lyra, 3 x 1min unguided, ASA 1600. The color of
the nebula here is what your eye would see if the brightness
were turned up. Since the camera doesnt see the red hydrogen
line as film does, the nebula is rendered bluish from OIII and
Hb emission. |  | Double Cluster in Perseus, 3 x
1min unguided, ASA 1600 |
Instrument: 6" f/3.6 Comet Tracker Schmidt Newtonian
Platform: Televue Mount
Camera: Canon 10D
Filters: None
Location: Payson, Arizona
Elevation: 5150 ft.
Sky: Seeing 6/10, Transparency 6/10
Outside Temperature: 15 C
Processing Tools: Photoshop CS, Maxim DL, SGBNR