GeoBot 1

Updated 9/10/06

 Here you will find the start page for our latest project, the GeoBot. This will be our first outdoor roaming autonomous machine, and is already outweighs any robot we have made in my lab yet. The goal of this project is to create a autonomous robot that can drive from a release point to a predetermined collecting area at a specified distance, then collect rock and soil samples and return them to the base. Although this seems a rather modest task, it will require a machine that can cope with very rough terrain, avoid large rocks and trees, and maintain a heading to put it as close as possible to the collecting area. Consequently the robot will be big and heavy, and will operate completely different from the ordinary indoor wall banging servo bot. Here are a few points we will address:

The Final Report is Here

The Power Rock Scoop

Compass outdoor navigation test - Part 1

4 Channel Sonar Array - Part 2

4 Channel Sonar Array - Part 1

- Tilt Sensor Behaviour

- Wheel Encoders and preliminary Architecture

- New bumper testing, first Autonomous drive outdoors, December 2005

- First Images, November 2005


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