Cbot1A - Plant Maintenance Robot Rebuild Preliminary Development Projects Updated 2/29/16 Key Search Words: ROBOT, ROBOTICS, ROBOTIC VISION, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, AI Click to enlarge to Full Screen.

The newly refurbished CBot1a is now in its permanent home upstairs, in the living room set up to water three planters daily. The software that included the full directions for each planter ended up taking 60% of program space on the new PIC16F887 processor. I had some communication issues between the serial output of the compass chip I fixed in the first week, which ended up being a math format issue of trying to send a floating point number over a serial 232 data link. This is fixed, and the robot has now had its first day - today - in which it watered the plants at sunrise this morning, and hit all three funnels!

In the view above, the robot can be seen as the clear dome parked in the upper left on its charger and fill station. To its left is planter #1, to its right against the table legs are planters #2 and #3. You can see the small 2 inch funnels on each planter as a white cup in the center or off to one side. Each planter has 4 watering rings in which the water tubes dump into. These contain the seeds we planted yesterday. The seeds included a few of the old Chinese snap peas, new regular American sugar peas, cillantro herb, and Pansies flowers - which were chosen because a co-worker suggested they are a winter blooming plant. Well see!

Here are images of the plants growing upstairs, completely watered by the robot since they were planted as seeds:

On the right are american peas and the one left location is the original chinese peas. Both are growing to several feet now.

The attempt at flowers is here, these are the pansies in the left two locations.

And the Cilantro is getting about 4 inches tall now.

Interested in learning more on the development of this robot? Here are previous uploads - LATEST AT THE BOTTOM:

Previous Articles:
Initial project description, mods being done 12/26/15