The Observatory

in Happy Jack, Arizona

Updated 1/27/2025

Located at 6800 feet elevation on top of the Colorado Plateau in Northern Arizona, the ground breaking has begun on the new observatory at a world class dark sky site. The skies are not only extremely dark, but very transparent and the seeing is sub-arcsecond on most nights. This is the story of the construction of our new Clear Creek Canyon Observatory in Happy Jack, from ground breaking to first light!


Inside view shows the RASA 11" and Stellarvue SV80S on the home made mount.

Updated: 1/25/25

Click to enlarge to full size


Pouring the Pier

Constructing the Base Framework

Installing the Base Frame and Deck

Framing the Walls and Stabilizing the Deck

The Roll Off Frame Work

Making the Stairs

Trusses and Roof

Gable Covering, Doors, and Tie Downs

Weather Stripping and Mount installation

Final - The installation of the 8 inch schmidt camera!


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