| Rear Bumper
assembly. Two plates of lexan allow for rear impact detection
on either right or left sides. |
 | Frontal
view, the two plates of lexan cover most of the front on each
side, and the U shaped bridges protect the frontal sensors and
pivot bolts from a direct impact. |
 | The
top cover is now installed for the first time giving the overall
round appearance. It is hinged on the top end with brass tiny
hinges. |
 | The two bumper
plates hinge in the middle of each plate on a shaft with a spring
tension and a capping nut on the outside. The entire bumper easily
tilts on this pivot point and allows the bumpers to press one
of eight switches on the front. |
 | Overall
view again. See the first MOVIE (880K) of Pammi moving autonomously
with the new bumpers ! |