Here are some initial concepts for testing soil moisture for the robot to determine if the plant is to be watered. Here is the full write up of the moisture computer! BACK TO ROBOT PAGES
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Schematic of my moisture probe. I may change the sensitivity by varying the NPN emmitter resistor, but this works pretty well so far.
Early test results: The soil was mixed with various amounts of water to yeild readings on the purchased moisture meter from 1 - 4. Then each time I took a both a resistance and circuit output measurement. The results were quite variable, the readings varied from 3M Ohm to 2.5 M Ohm. But there was little correlation to soil moisture! In other words, nearly dry soil was unreadable as expected, but moist soil compared to total muck was nearly the same values. More testing....
And now a complete write up on the plant moisture sensor can be found HERE.