Here are
a few additional fossils we have released from the hundreds of
pounds of limestone to see the light of day once again after
280 million years. Here we have a one of a kind of each specimen
type that was found after a meticulous examination of loads of
acid fines under a stereo microscope.
A tiny
Aviculopecten ("Archeo-Scallop")
Before there
were Pectins, there were Aviculopectins. This one is only 6mm
in size, and probably would have been ground to a pulp had it
not nestled against a packed ball of shell material. A pinhead
is seen below in this image.
Full size here.
A Flat
branching bryozoan
Part of what
was more than likely a large flat plate like fan, this small
specimen was the only one found in over 250 pounds of limestones.
That is a pin head next to it for scale.
Full Size here.
A pair of shots of a very unusual tiny
stellate shaped branching sponge
Underside view
showing clearly the internal cavity (squashed a bit) of the main
osculum of this branching mini sponge.
Full size here
Other side
view of same sponge. The branching occurs in Y shaped rods.
Full size here