Pelicans and Landscapes

at Roosevelt Lake

Uploaded 2/6/05

 Here are some images from our first photo expedition of the year, at Roosevelt Lake about an hour south east of Payson. Two lenses were used, our new 17-40mm L lens for the wide angle work, and the 400mm lens for telephoto. The surprise on this trip was to find two Great American White Pelicans along the shore. They are huge compared to the thanksgiving sized Canadian geese they were with. The only larger birds we have ever seen in Arizona are bald Eagles and California Condors.

Click Thumbnails for larger view - 1024 x 768 sized

Tertiary deposits across the Lake
The Lagoon we found the Greebes At
Saguaro Cactuses on Hill across Lake
Inside the Dam with 17mm
Bridge over the Dam Lagoon
Gull flying over lake
Greebe in shallow Lagoon
Greebe again
American White Pelicans Rare !

Camera: Canon 10D Platform: Bogen Tripod Exposure: AP Filters: NONE Location: Roosevelt Lake, Az Elevation: 3600 ft. Outside Temperature: 60F Processing: Photoshop CS. CS Pro HOME


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