and Mercury in broad
near the zenith
29, 2013
are a few shots taken in the daytime, with the two planets within
45 degrees of the Sun on a somewhat hazy summer day. |
The setup
consisted of my 12.5" scope with the front end extended
by a huge light shield to block the direct sun from striking
the inside of the tube and ruining contrast.
1290 x 960
Venus with
the 2.5x Televue powermate and the DMK51 camera. This is an RGB
color image taken through three colored filters and combined.
Seeing was very poor.
1290 x 960
![](../images/xti/VenusMercury092913/Venus092913-25x-400.jpg) |
With the
DSLR in broad daylight the planet Venus against the blue daytime
sky at prime focus, 1500mm f/5.
1290 x 960
Mercury is
there too, just to the right of center. You can see it better
in this full screen image.
1290 x 960
Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian
Platform: Astrophysics 1200 QMD
CCD Camera: DMK51
DSLR: Hutech Modified Canon Xti
Location: Payson, Arizona
Elevation: 5150 ft.
Sky: Seeing FMHW = 10 arcsec, Transparency 5/10
Outside Temperature: 75F
Processing: Registax, Photoshop