and Tycho at Sunrise
17, 2007
South is up in this image, more info below.
Here we see the battered southernmost limb
of the moon, at just over half waxing phase. The large crater
on the terminator just emerging is the second largest crater
on the moon, Clavius. Tycho is just above it with the obvious
central peak. This is the source of the massive ray system covering
the globe seen best during full moon.
Processing: 250/1000
best frames, MAP 50 alignment in Registax, Regulated Van Cittert
Deconvolution in PixInsight Pro, Levels and Contrast Masking
In Photoshop CS3, Focus Magic Plugin.
Instrument: 12.5" f/5 with 1.5x Barlow
Platform: Astrophysics AP1200
CCD Camera: Image Source DMK 31AU03.AS
Filter: Hoya R72
Exposure: 1/108 sec 15fps
Location: Payson, Arizona
Elevation: 5150 ft.
Sky: Seeing Average, Transparency 8/10
Outside Temperature: 35F
Processing: Registax, PixInsight Pro, Photoshop CS3, Focus Magic Plugin