19, 2007
South is up in this image, more info below.
One of the brightest features on the near
side was formed during the final intense bombardment of the moon
billions of years ago. Copernicus is nearly as white as an impact
structure can be, and from it emanates a system of linear rays
from the ejecta spread. Of special note, to the left of Copernicus,
small elongated secondary impact features are visible, created
by material ejected during the original impact. Also on the left
side is the large ghost crater Stadius, nearly buried to the
rim by lava flows. The mountain range to the lower right of Copernicus
is Montes Carpatus and just above is the strange double crater
Fauth. You can see a prime focus "wide field" image
Processing: 250/1000
best frames, MAP 40 alignment in Registax, Regulated Van Cittert
Deconvolution in PixInsight Pro, Levels and Contrast Masking
In Photoshop CS3, Focus Magic Plugin.
Instrument: 12.5" f/5 1.8x barlow
Platform: Astrophysics AP1200
CCD Camera: Image Source DMK 31AU03.AS
Filter: Hoya R72
Exposure: 1/60 sec 15fps
Location: Payson, Arizona
Elevation: 5150 ft.
Sky: Seeing good, Transparency 8/10
Outside Temperature: 35F
Processing: Registax, PixInsight Pro, Photoshop CS3, Focus Magic Plugin