
Barred Spiral Galaxy in Lynx

Uploaded 3/20/2001

This beautiful 12.7 magnitude barred spiral galaxy occupies a position near Castor and Pollux in the evening winter sky. This galaxy boasts an oval shaped yellow core, and bluish winding arms with a few HII regions in the lower arm visible. Low surface brightness extensions can be seen off each end. The size is 2.3' x 1.3'. The dim galaxies in the image were not cataloged.

Instrument:  12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian
CCD Camera:  SBIG237
Exposure:  LRGB = 60:20:20:24 (RGB Binned 2x2)
Filters:  RGB Tricolor
Location:  Payson, Arizona
Elevation:  5150 ft.
Sky:  Seeing 8/10, Transparency 8/10
Outside Temperature:  35 F
CCD Temperature:  -20 F
Processing:  Maxim DL, Photoshop, PW Pro.

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