Draco contains some of the most detailed and challenging galaxy groups in the sky. This pair, near the star Thuban shows a splendid contrast between a face on spiral and a nearly edge on of nearly the same angular size. The face on to the upper right is NGC5905, a 12.5 magnitude SBb class spiral, 4.7x3.6' in size. A yellow bar of population I stars marks the center, with blue Population II stars marking the star forming regions in the arms. There is a slight greenish cast to the area where the yellow bar intersects the blue arms. To the lower left is NGC5908, a 12.8 mag type Sb spiral, seen inclined only 7 degrees. 3.2' long, the galaxy boasts a strong thin dust lane and a yellow disk, with white tipped arms. Special processing included the use of DDP to preserve the spherical galactic halo around NGC5908, and the inner especially bright disk and core. Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian CCD Camera: SBIG ST7E w/Enhanced Cooling Exposure: LRGB = 70:20:20:20 (RGB Binned 2x2) Filters: RGB Tricolor Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing 8/10, Transparency 8/10 Outside Temperature: 70 F CCD Temperature: -20 C Processing: Maxim DL, Photoshop, PW Pro, CCDSharp.
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