3D Printing Projects: Design, Printing, Implementation

Fossil Display Box 1 Project

Updated 9/14/19

A protective display box for our micro fossil collections is essential to ensure not only that they are easily seen and organized, but to protect them from dust and humidity. A nice sized partitioned box was designed and includes an area at the bottom for a clear bold label. Spacers can be printed to accommodate any sized fossils in each compartment.

Click on thumbnails below for larger view:

 CAD view of the Fossil Box showing the final design.

 Here are the spacers I printed up to be glued into each compartment to bring the small fossils up from the bottom so shadows dont obscure them in a deeper cavity.
 Solid Works Visualize rendering in blue plastic.
 The finished Fossil Box, with clear lexan lid and four corner hold down screws. The fossils are glued to 1 inch square pieces of Home Depot "paint sample" pieces of the appropriate color and offer a nice textured background.
 Closer view shows the small micro fossils on display!